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Paul Reinheimer:
Using GeoIP at WonderProxy
Nov 07, 2013 @ 16:57:09

Paul Reinheimer has a new post talking about some of his experience implementing GeoIP at his HTTP testing proxy service WonderProxy (and the steps you'd need to take to make it work for your application). The GeoIP service helps you identify the sources (geolocation) of connections to your applications.

At WonderProxy we’ve been helping people test their GeoIP sensitive applications since launch. It’s why we launched. Perhaps ironically it’s never been a technology we’ve used on our own website. With our upcoming re-design that’s changing.

He's broken it down into four major steps, each with a bit of description to go along with them:

  • Using GeoIP
  • Acquire a database
  • Rebuild Apache & PHP (with the Apache module)
  • Handle edge cases

This isn't a detailed tutorial to getting GeoIP support working in your app, but it does provide a good direction and links to several resources to help you along your way.

tagged: geoip geolocation wonderproxy overview tutorial database

Link: http://blog.preinheimer.com/index.php?/archives/421-Using-GeoIP-at-WonderProxy.html

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