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Paul Reinheimer:
Using GeoIP at WonderProxy
Nov 07, 2013 @ 16:57:09

Paul Reinheimer has a new post talking about some of his experience implementing GeoIP at his HTTP testing proxy service WonderProxy (and the steps you'd need to take to make it work for your application). The GeoIP service helps you identify the sources (geolocation) of connections to your applications.

At WonderProxy we’ve been helping people test their GeoIP sensitive applications since launch. It’s why we launched. Perhaps ironically it’s never been a technology we’ve used on our own website. With our upcoming re-design that’s changing.

He's broken it down into four major steps, each with a bit of description to go along with them:

  • Using GeoIP
  • Acquire a database
  • Rebuild Apache & PHP (with the Apache module)
  • Handle edge cases

This isn't a detailed tutorial to getting GeoIP support working in your app, but it does provide a good direction and links to several resources to help you along your way.

tagged: geoip geolocation wonderproxy overview tutorial database

Link: http://blog.preinheimer.com/index.php?/archives/421-Using-GeoIP-at-WonderProxy.html

Installing GeoIP extension in Zend Server 5.6 on Windows
Aug 01, 2013 @ 15:10:26

On the DotKernel.com site today there's a post walking you through the installation of the GeoIP extension on Zend Server (5.6) on Windows. It starts with a bit of test code to check and see if you might already have it installed.

The steps are relatively easy:

  • Download the extension package
  • Copy it to the right location
  • Use the Zend Server interface to turn on the extension
  • Download and copy some geoIP databases from Maxmind

Most of these steps go for any extension you want to install, but keep in mind since it's Windows you'll need the .dll file, not the source to compile. Some extensions may not have this available for download.

tagged: geoip extension zendserver windows tutorial

Link: http://www.dotkernel.com/dotkernel/installing-geoip-extension-in-zend-server-5-6-on-windows/

Stefan Koopmanshcap's Blog:
Installing the Geoip PECL package for Zend Server on OSX
Jan 12, 2012 @ 17:09:56

In this recent post to his blog Stefan Koopmanschap shares some of the troubles (and a solution) when he was dealing with getting the Geoip PECL extension installed on his Zend Server setup in OSX.

Today I needed to get a client application up and running on my local system. This application uses the Geoip PECL package, so I needed to get this up and running. This turned out to be slightly more difficult than just a PECL install, as you're missing some libraries by default, so here is my log of things to do to get it up and running.

He gives the complete list of steps his followed including downloading the source and his way around this "System could not load this extension" issue. The trick was to recompile the source with the correct architecture. By default his extension was built with i386 instead of 64-bit but updating some of the CFLAGS settings (and a few other environment variables) got things compiling correctly.

tagged: geoip osx install pecl extension tutorial compile architecture


Asvin Balloo's Blog:
Geolocate your visitors with PHP (part 2)
Jul 30, 2008 @ 17:08:10

Asvin Balloo has posted the second part of his geolocate with PHP tutorial series - using the mapping information gathered from the previous article to plot them on a map.

In the first part of this series I showed how you could get the country of a visitor via his IP address. Now with this precious information, I'll show you how to map the visitor visually on the world map using Google Maps.

The full code is provided - the PHP to pull the latitude/longitude information from the GeoIP library and the Javascript to get the Google Map to plot the point. You can check out the live demo for an example or just grab the source and try it out for yourself.

tagged: geolocate google map geoip javascript tutorial


Asvin Balloo's Blog:
Geolocate your visitors with PHP (part 1)
Jul 21, 2008 @ 13:49:29

On his blog today Asvin Balloo has posted the first part of his look at his method for geolocating the visitors to your website using the PEAR GeoIP package and the MaxMind GeoLite Country information.

In this first part, he just makes sure that you have what you need installed before really getting started. Brief installation instructions are provided and example code is included to make sure things are up and working correctly (a lookup for whatever IP you're coming from).

It uses the lookupCountryName method to translate the information based on the MaxMind data.

tagged: geolocate visitor maxmind pear geoip geolite tutorial


Effective Geotargeting with PHP
Jan 28, 2008 @ 15:47:00

The Developer Tutorials blog has a new article that talks about their method for creating simple geotargeting for your visitors.

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at the technique of geotargeting, or serving content to users based on their physical location. The technology is invaluable; with simple techniques, you can target advertising to specific users, collect more accurate usage statistics, serve content in different languages for different regions and provide local information like weather reports to your visitors.

They use the GeoIP services offered by Maxmind to perform the IP to location translation and the PEAR package already created to make the integration as painless as possible.

tagged: geotargeting tutorial geoip maxmind pear package


PHP geotargeting techniques
Sep 07, 2007 @ 13:56:00

On the WebDigity.com website, there's a quick how-to on using geo-targeting on your website with a combination of a geolocation database and a PHP module to parse it.

There are many cases that we need to display different content to our users depending on the location that they are visiting our site. In this tutorial we will give some examples regarding geo targeting with php.

They got their geolocation database from Maxmind and loaded up this module to make it as simple as a call to geoip_open and geoip_country_code_by_addr to get the location of the remote user.

tagged: geotarget geoip module tutorial database geotarget geoip module tutorial database


PHP geotargeting techniques
Sep 07, 2007 @ 13:56:00

On the WebDigity.com website, there's a quick how-to on using geo-targeting on your website with a combination of a geolocation database and a PHP module to parse it.

There are many cases that we need to display different content to our users depending on the location that they are visiting our site. In this tutorial we will give some examples regarding geo targeting with php.

They got their geolocation database from Maxmind and loaded up this module to make it as simple as a call to geoip_open and geoip_country_code_by_addr to get the location of the remote user.

tagged: geotarget geoip module tutorial database geotarget geoip module tutorial database


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