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Getting Started With Phpspec
May 12, 2014 @ 18:55:10

The NetTuts.com site has a new tutorial that want to help get you started with PHPSpec, the PHP-based tool to help with behavior-driven development.

In this short, yet comprehensive, tutorial, we'll have a look at behavior driven development (BDD) with phpspec. Mostly, it will be an introduction to the phpspec tool, but as we go, we'll touch on different BDD concepts. BDD is a hot topic these days and phpspec has gained a lot of attention in the PHP community recently.

They briefly introduce behavior-driven development (BDD) and where the PHPSpec tool fits into the picture. They guide you through installation of the tool (via Composer) and some configuration updates to get things set up. From there, they help you write your first spec, a test to see if a "TaskCollection" can be created. They build on this simple test adding in checks for adding tasks, making the collection countable and working with expectations and promises. The last part of the tutorial mentions how to make custom matchers like "beTrue" and "beFalse" and the output of the full test set.

tagged: phpspec tutorial introduction behaviordriven development bdd

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/getting-started-with-phpspec--cms-20919

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