The SitePoint PHP blog has a tutorial today showing you how you can use the popular Capistrano tool to deploy Symfony-based applications. More specifically, it's focused in on one tool, Calpifony, that's a bit more tailored to what a Symfony deployment needs.
Say you have a Symfony application. At some point, you would like to deploy it to your server and show it to the world. Of course, you can do it all manually, but these days you can also choose to use a tool like Capifony. If you have developed Ruby applications in the past, you are perhaps familiar with Capistrano. Capistrano is a tool to deploy your Ruby application to your server. Capifony has been created on top of Capistrano, and is basically a collection of deployment recipes. In this article, we are going to deploy a Symfony application to a server with Capifony.
He starts off with a section giving an overview of how the Capifony tool works and how important the directory structure is. He then guides you through the installation of the tool and configuring your first simple project. He includes an example "deply.rb" configuration and walks through each piece, describing what it does and how to add some additional commands to the list. The post ends with the full updates configuration that makes the connection to the server, downloads a copy of a Git repository and executes Assetic and Bower commands on build.