In his latest post Matt Stauffer has posted a guide to the latest release of the Laravel Homestead project, version 2.0, walking you through the installation, configuration and validation of this virtual machine.
When Laravel Homestead first came out, it was a Github repository that included a base Homestead.yaml by default. There was no prescribed place to install it, no global commands for accessing the box, and any time you actually customized your Homestead.yaml file you instantly dirtied your Homestead Github clone, making upgrading difficult.
You can guess where I’m going with this. All of these things are problems no more. The latest version of the Homestead ecosystem has just been released, and it’s moved Homestead into a globally installable Composer package which copies Homestead.yaml (and any other user-editable files) into ~/.homestead on your machine.
He covers the two different ways you'd get this updated version - the fresh install (no previous VM installed) and the upgrade path. For each all of the commands and configuration updates you'll need are included. He also points out some of the new features and handling as he goes along.