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Peter Petermann:
A few thoughts about composer and how people use it
May 18, 2015 @ 15:17:43

In the latest post to Peter Petermann's site he shares a few thoughts about Composer and how people use it in the more modern PHP ecosystem.

Composer has changed the PHP ecosystem like now other tool introduced – almost everyone is using it today. Now, I have written about Composer before, and have always been a big proponent of using it. However, as i have spend some time with looking more closely on a few things, there is a few problems (some with Composer, some with how people (ab)use Composer) that I would like to write about.

He's broken the list up into six different point, each with a bit of explanation:

  • Composer gets slow and resource hungry
  • People are using composer as an installer
  • People use their own paths
  • People don’t adhere semver
  • People don’t tag their releases / don’t release
  • People release packages with dependencies to unstable versions

He ends the post by looking at each of these points and offering a brief one-liner way to help solve the issue (or at least minimize the problem).

tagged: composer opinion problem usage ecosystem package

Link: https://devedge.wordpress.com/2015/05/16/a-few-thoughts-about-composer-and-how-people-use-it/

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