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Matt Stauffer:
The auth scaffold in Laravel 5.2
Jan 11, 2016 @ 16:06:29

Matt Stauffer has continued his series about some of the new features in the latest release of the Laravel framework (v5.2) with this post looking at the new auth scaffolding it makes available.

If you're like me, many of the applications you build in Laravel have a similar Saas-type framework: user signup, user login, password reset, public sales page, logged-in dashboard, logout route, and a base Bootstrap style for when you're just getting started.

Laravel used to have a scaffold for this out of the box. It disappeared recently, to my great chagrin, but it's now back as an Artisan command: make:auth.

He talks about what all the scaffolding builds out including templates, routes and controllers. He provides examples of some of the generated code and what the output of these simple templates looks like (including a basic Bootstrap layout).

tagged: laravel framework auth scaffold tutorial example login user template controller route

Link: https://mattstauffer.co/blog/the-auth-scaffold-in-laravel-5-2

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