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Getting Started With Laravel
Jan 20, 2016 @ 15:06:16

On the NetTuts.com site there's a tutorial posted helping you get started with Laravel, one of the more recently popular PHP frameworks.

Almost all CMS systems use it, including Joomla, Drupal and WordPress, and of course many frameworks like CakePHP use it as well. I arrived at Laravel in early 2014 and I was instantly hooked. It not only uses OOP, it requires it! I have to admit, this was a challenge, but I learned so much thanks to it, and it has made the code I write for other systems a lot better too!

In this article I’ll show you how to get started with Laravel by installing everything that’s needed to run the system, showing you how to use Laravel Homestead - a great virtual machine - and finally, how to install Laravel itself.

The tutorial starts with an introduction of what the framework is and briefly mentions some of its main advantages: standardization, elegance and speed. It then gets into the steps for installing Laravel and setting up a basic application:

  • Install Composer
  • Install Git
  • Install VirtualBox and Vagrant
  • Download the Box (Homestead)
  • Install the Homestead CLI
  • Configure Homestead
  • Launching the Vagrant Box

Don't worry, each of these steps comes with all the commands and config file changes you'll need to make. With the environment up and running they finish the article off with a Composer require command to install a Laravel application and how to test that it's up and running.

tagged: laravel framework gettingstarted introduction homestead environment tutorial

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/getting-started-with-laravel--cms-25386

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