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Kick-Start WordPress Development With Twig: Introduction
Apr 12, 2016 @ 14:14:01

On the NetTuts.com site they've posted the first part of a new series showing you how to combine WordPress and Twig to "kick-start" your development with this popular content management system.

A lot has been written about the future of WordPress, and many believe that it lacks a templating language, especially when platforms like Django, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Laravel, and even Drupal possess one. Facts like "WordPress powers nearly 25% of the web" make it difficult to question its current PHP-based templating system. But as the modularity in code is still missing, one can ask when the core will have a templating engine.

The good news is right here! The Twig templating engine along with a plugin called Timber can help us write super-clean and modular code in WordPress.

They start with a brief introduction to Twig and a bit of history of where it came from. They also give some reasons of why you might want to use this popular templating engine (besides its popularity, of course). The tutorial then starts in talking about Timber and how it integrates with both WordPress and Twig to render the Twig templates. This first article is more of an introduction to this integration and doesn't contain much in the way of code examples. That will be coming soon in the following parts of the series, though.

tagged: wordpress twig integration tutorial series part1 timber

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/articles/kick-start-wordpress-development-with-twig-introduction--cms-24781

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