On the Zend Framework blog Matthew Weier O'Phinney has posted a tutorial showing off some of the Expressive command line functionality that can help you rapidly develop applications using the Zend Expressive framework.
First impressions matter, particularly when you start using a new framework. As such, we're striving to improve your first tasks with Expressive. With the 2.0 release, we provided several migration tools, as well as tooling for creating, registering, and deregistering middleware modules. Each was shipped as a separate script, with little unification between them.Today, we've pushed a unified script, expressive, which provides access to all the migration tooling, module tooling, and new tooling to help you create http-interop middleware. Our hope is to make your first few minutes with Expressive a bit easier, so you can start writing powerful applications.
The post starts with the Composer commands to create a new Expressive project and to pull in the "zendframework/zend-expressive-tooling" package to add the CLI tools to the project. It then talks briefly about what functionality the tools bring and helps you use them to create your first module, populating out the directories and files required. Next up is the creation of the middleware for a "list" action and what the resulting code ends up being. They end the post by pointing out that this is just a start to the ultimate functionality of this tool and are open to requests for new commands to add in future releases.