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Zend Framework Blog:
Leverage Zend Component Plugin Managers in Expressive
May 19, 2017 @ 14:58:15

The Zend Framework blog has a new post from project lead Matthew Weier O'Phinney showing how you can use plugin managers in Expressive and how it can be used to integrate other components.

With the release of Expressive 2, one of the key stories was the ability to require ZF components within Expressive, and have their dependencies auto-wired into your application courtesy of the component installer.

However, we recently had a user in our Slack channel (need an invite?) indicating they were having issues with usage of custom validators, filters, and input filters. After a <a href=https://discourse.zendframework.com/t/validatormanager-not-calling-custom-validator-factory/109">more thorough writeup on our forums, I realized we'd missed something important when making these integrations, and set out to solve it.

The article then starts with the problem that they're trying to solve, mostly around configuration handling. The solution involved some work done on various packages (like zend-log, zend-filter and zend-form) to make the configuration loading a bit more automated (and with fallback handling).

tagged: zendexpressive module component manager update package

Link: https://framework.zend.com/blog/2017-05-18-plugin-managers.html

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