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Matt Stauffer:
What packages do you install on every Laravel application you create?
Jul 19, 2017 @ 17:29:44

On his site Matt Stauffer has a post that asks the readers about the packages they always install for their Laravel applications (and not necessarily just Laravel related packages either).

In preparation for my upcoming [talk](http://customlaravel.com/) at [Laracon 2017](https://laracon.us/), which I'm titling "Custom Laravel," I [asked a quick question](https://twitter.com/stauffermatt/status/885666786036899840) on Twitter to my followers. [...] I wanted to know for my talk, but I was also just curious for my own purposes. Are there any packages I should check out that everyone else already knows about? Here's what I found, in order of the number of recommendations I received...

While most of the packages in his lists (unanimous support, well-loved, etc) are Laravel specific, mostly because of his audience on Twitter, there are some that weren't. These included:

You can check out his full listing in the remainder of the post and a link to another listing from Mike Erickson asking the same kind of question.

tagged: package install laravel application community feedback list

Link: https://mattstauffer.co/blog/what-packages-do-you-install-on-every-laravel-application-you-create

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