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Peter Lafferty:
HTTP Request Validation With Silex
Sep 18, 2017 @ 17:15:48

On his Medium blog Peter Lafferty has written up a post showing you a method for HTTP request validation in Silex, the microframework from the creators of Symfony.

This article covers three validation scenarios: routes, query strings [and] POST with a JSON body.

He starts with a simple Silex application that creates a "RESTful" API with endpoints providing emojis back when queried (three endpoints). He then uses this to show how to validate:

  • routes for their expected values in the URL
  • using a ValidatorService provider to build a set of assertions (GET request)
  • using the same service to create assertions for the JSON content of a POST request

All code required is included in the post including the correct handling of the emoji output via a UTF-8 JSON response handler.

tagged: http validation silex tutorial service assert url get post

Link: https://medium.com/@peter.lafferty/http-request-validation-with-silex-9ebd7fb37f37

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