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Simplify PHP Development with WASP
Jan 20, 2006 @ 13:24:51

The O'Reilly site, ONLamp.com, has a new tutorial posted today - a look at how to simplify your PHP development with WASP (Web Application Structure for PHP).

WASP (Web Application Structure for PHP) is a three-tier framework built on PHP 5. Lately, more software engineers are moving from cumbersome "enterprise" languages such as Java and C# to languages such as Python and Ruby and PHP. With version 5, PHP has finally reached the point where these developers can feel at home in what used to be considered a hacker's language. By demonstrating that it is possible to create and use complicated, "enterprise-class" frameworks effectively in PHP 5, WASP will help more developers make the switch.

They look at working with WASP 1.1 to create a project (in this case, a ToDo list), build out its properties, setting up the model/view/controller structure for the site, and wrap it all up with the interface on top (and the interaction with the framework it needs). The article walks you through every step of the way, too, giving clear code examples and explaining what everything is doing...

tagged: development WASP framework MVC ToDo list project development WASP framework MVC ToDo list project


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