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SitePoint PHP Blog:
Pretty Blue Screen
Apr 05, 2006 @ 12:32:15

On the SitePoint blog today, Harry Fuecks shares some code he's worked up to create a "pretty exception" method for the Zend Framework.

Been playing around with Zend's framework some more and finally got annoyed enough about how exceptions are displayed to do something about it.

The code at the bottom of this post just needs including somewhere and enables a "pretty" exception handler—it's not specific to Zend's framework.

The idea is not original—it’s PHP port from webpy which used code from Django - imitation and flattery.

The post includes several images of the output, showing the standard screen and examples of an various options expanded in different situations. The code is provided for you to simply cut and paste into your editor of choice.

tagged: zend framework error handling pretty output zend framework error handling pretty output


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