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Completing a Query Processor in PHP
May 31, 2006 @ 19:32:28

DevShed finishes off their "Creating a Query Processor" series, a look at working with sockets and related functions, in part three, a focus on extending the class even further and some more in-depth looks "under the hood".

Welcome to the third part of the series “Network Programming in PHP.” In three tutorials, this series explains the basics of network programming in PHP, by developing a query processor class in PHP 5, which uses some of the most popular PHP network functions, in order to implement the logic of its methods.

In this last article of the series, I'll add some extra methods to the query processor class, which can be used for performing the networking operations that I mentioned before. Of course, I'll implement within all the methods an easy-to-grasp programming logic, so you shouldn't have any problems understanding how each method works.

He starts with a brief look back to see how far the script's come before charging ahead into even more expansion. He fleshes out the getMXRecords and checkDNSRecords methods before adding in come TCP service functions - scanPort and getWhois. Finally, he wraps it all back into the class and takes one last look at the entire creation (and a simple example that checks the DNS and scans ports for the host "google.com".

tagged: query processor network functionality part3 tutorial query processor network functionality part3 tutorial


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