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Jared White's Blog:
Willowgarden Highlight: Easy Processing of Form Input
Sep 19, 2006 @ 20:17:58

Jared White has posted another Willowgarden highlight to his blog today, this time with a focus on the processing of form input.

In the bad old days of processing forms and saving each field to a column in a database row, you'd have to do a lot of manual gruntwork: accessing each field from the $_POST superglobal, checking the values, constructing the SQL query, connecting to the database and executing the query, and so forth. Wouldn't it be great if you could just import the form right into an object, and let it do the validation and the database saving based on just a few simple rules? Let's take a quick look at how that might work.

He shows how to make an instance of the WFFormCreator class in a simple script and add actions to it to handle the successful submission and the errors that might come up.

tagged: form create wfformcreator class framework willowgarden form create wfformcreator class framework willowgarden


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