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SitePoint PHP Blog:
The Joy of Regular Expressions [2]
Sep 27, 2006 @ 14:20:00

Harry Fuecks is back today on the SitePoint PHP Blog with part two of his "joy of regular expressions" series, continuing on from this previous entry.

He jumps right in, summarizing the first part in a small section before getting back into the examples:

  • Hunting for .jp(e)gs
  • Escaping Meta-Characters
  • Search and Replace
  • preg_quote()
  • preg_replace()
  • Word Boundaries, Word Characters...and everything else
  • Sub patterns
  • Spot the XSS Hole
  • eval() is evil!
  • preg_replace_callback()
As you can see, it's crammed with just as much infromation as the first part and covers a wide range of topics to help you get more in tune with your inner regular expression guru.

tagged: regular expressions joy example tutorial part2 preg eval meta regular expressions joy example tutorial part2 preg eval meta


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