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Handling Entries for a Blogger Built with PHP
Nov 28, 2006 @ 15:58:00

DevShed has posted the second part of their (three part) series looking at the construction of a blogging application in PHP5. In this part, they look at how to handle the user's desire to input entries into the application via a HTML form.

In this second installment of the series, I'll show you how to expand the initial functionality of the already familiar "BlogProcessor" class so that it is capable of addressing all these (displaying all the entries, show the insert/update forms) issues.

They start with the simplest of the group - the displayBlogs method, outputting the full contents of the entries for the blog. Things get a bit tougher with the next step - creating the insert and update forms for pushing content into the database. Finally, they defined the header and footer functionality to make setting up the structure of the page simpler.

tagged: part2 blog tutorial insert update form header footer display part2 blog tutorial insert update form header footer display


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