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Sandro Groganz's Blog:
Saving CMS Consultants from Being Beaten Up
Dec 06, 2007 @ 15:39:00

Sandro Groganz has posted his review of the recent Packt Publishing release Managing eZ Publish Web Content Management Projects.

Wise man are rare, but they exist and one of them is happy to share his wisdom with all tense CMS consultants and project managers to help them relax. [...] In fact, this book is a tremendous work of reference for any kind of CMS project, be it eZ Publish or not, proprietary or Open Source. Only two of 13 chapters actually deal with eZ Publish specifics.

He covers the contents of the book - code examples, howtos, training, risk management - and its unique combination of tips and tricks with quotes from experienced managers.

tagged: cms ezpublish book review content manage project cms ezpublish book review content manage project


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