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David Walsh's Blog:
Using PHP Generic Objects To Organize Your Code
Dec 07, 2007 @ 13:52:00

David Walsh has put together and posted a class he's created around creating generic objects to help with code organization.

I like using PHP classes to keep my code organized and easy to maintain. I know that they consume more memory than simply using an array or variable system, but if memory is an issue, I'd get more memory. Saving time by coding in a maintainable fashion is more important to me than upgrading a server. I've written a very generic, flexible PHP class that I use in my PHP code to get and set variables for use within the page.

His class is included as are two example of its use - a basic option that sets properties on the object and an example of its use with a database, parsing the results into an object with a load() call.

tagged: generic object class example organize generic object class example organize


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