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Joey Masip Romeu:
Namespaces and organizing business logic services in Symfony
Dec 08, 2017 @ 17:04:35

In a post on his Medium site Joey Masip Romeu shares some suggestions about how you can organize your business logic in a Symfony application with some simple namespacing and service definitions.

I want to talk about namespacing services in Symfony, specifically Symfony3.

These are exciting times, Symfony 4 is just round the corner?— -coming out on November 30th? - ?so this blog post might be irrelevant soon! Nevertheless, concepts are still the same so let´s get into it!

He offers three "rules" that he and his team at SlowCode have defined to help with their own organization:

  • using a folder for logic services
  • using a folder for the domain name
  • using . for folder separation and _ for word separation

Code and configuration examples are provided for each suggestion helping to illustrate the point. He ends the post mentioning public and private services and how they're changing in upcoming Symfony releases.

tagged: namespace organize business logic symfony rule domain

Link: https://medium.com/@joeymasip/namespaces-and-organizing-business-logic-services-in-symfony-d80452adc4f7

Jason McCreary:
Writing Clean Code (Part 2)
Oct 19, 2017 @ 16:24:52

Jason McCreary has continued his series looking at writing "clean code", providing a few helpful hints you can integrate into your daily development work. In part two he goes a bit "deeper" and talks about grouping and encapsulation.

In Part 1 of Writing Clean Code I outlined three simple practices of formatting, naming, and avoiding nested code. All in an effort to improve code readability.

In Part 2, I want to go a little deeper and cover grouping. When I say grouping, I’m really talking about the Object Oriented Programming paradigm of encapsulation. Whether we group the code into a function or a class is often not important. What is important is did we improve the readability of the code.

He starts off by describing the goal of this grouping and lists three motivations for using it as a part of your application's architecture:

  • Improving communication
  • Couple data
  • Organizing code

For each, he includes a brief summary of the topic and some code examples illustrating it in action where appropriate.

tagged: clean code example opinion communication coupling organize

Link: https://jason.pureconcepts.net/2017/10/writing-clean-code/

Jef Claes:
How to organize a meetup
Feb 24, 2017 @ 15:24:25

If you've ever been interested in starting a technology-centric meetup in your area but haven't known where to start, Jef Claes has some helpful hints to help you get started.

I've organized a few DDDBE meetups in the past, and always succeed in forgetting something. Either someone points it out well in advance, or I end up stressing last minute. This post partly serves as a checklist for myself, but it would be a welcome side effect to also see it encourage others to help out organizing future meetups. Organizing a meetup is not rocket science, having a list of what to take care of is a good start.

He breaks down the recommendations into a list of ten things to do to make a successful meetup happen:

  • Contacting a speaker
  • Gathering speaker requirements
  • Selecting a location sponsor
  • Contacting a location sponsor
  • Meetup.com
  • Speaker gift
  • Recordings
  • Day of the meetup
  • Give thanks

While ten steps sounds like a lot, some of these are optional (like the speaker gift) but they can help to build a good reputation for the group and make it easier to find future speakers.

tagged: usergroup guide organize meetup technology top10

Link: http://www.jefclaes.be/2017/02/how-to-organize-meetup.html

Joe Ferguson:
User Group Advice
Mar 17, 2016 @ 17:38:36

If you've been thinking about starting a local technology user group in your area but have been looking for some guidance, you should definitely check out this recent post from Joe Ferguson with some good "dos" and "don'ts" around groups and organization.

When I introduce myself before I give a talk at a conference or a user group I mention I am a user group leader and very passionate about community. I happily receive questions from people starting new user groups or reviving old groups.

I wanted to share a recent response I sent to someone today who was asking for advice about their meetup group: Congrats on jumping into the world of running a UG. A lot of this is “in my experience” so your milage may vary

He starts with the "dos" (like keeping it small to start and making meetings consistent) and "don'ts" (not to worry about sponsors and making the talks "conference level" every month). He also includes an interesting section about "protecting" your user group, preventing things like over-zealous recruiters from coming in and giving people a bad impression of the group. He also links to lots of other resources you can read and participate in to make you a more effective user group leader.

tagged: usergroup advice organize do dont protect resources

Link: https://www.joeferguson.me/user-group-advice/

/Dev/Hell Podcast:
Episode 52: True North PHP 2014
Dec 03, 2014 @ 16:55:41

The /Dev/Hell podcast has released their latest episode today (#52) - True North PHP 2014 with hosts Chris Hartjes and Ed Finkler. This one was recorded at this year's True North PHP conference that happened at the beginning of November in Toronto, Canada.

On a cold winter’s night in the far north, Chris and Ed recorded a podcast at the True North PHP 2014 hackathon event. It was loud and fun! We’re joined by special guest Ben Ramsey and others to talk about organizing conferences and generally being awesome. Enjoy!

You can listen to this latest episode either through the in-page audio player or by downloading the mp3 of the recording. if you enjoy the episode, be sure to subscribe to the feed to get the latest episodes as they're released.

tagged: devhell podcast ep52 truenorthphp14 tnphp14 conference benramsey organize conference

Link: http://devhell.info/post/2014-11-30/true-north-php-2014/

Organizing Enterprise-Level Applications
Oct 01, 2012 @ 15:37:50

On NetTuts.com Jonathan Cutrell has posted some ideas for you to consider when designing your enterprise-level applications, regardless of the language(s) they're written in.

Organization can make or break the maintainability of an application. With smaller applications, organization is more obviously apparent; however, as the application grows and as the number of application developers and front-end engineers producing code increases, the more confusing organization can become. In this post, we will go over some basic concepts for keeping applications organized so that finding relevant code is an efficient and systematic process.

He's broken it up into a list of suggestions to make it a bit easier to take it all in:

  • Learn from Frameworks
  • Building a Standard
  • Uniformity of Connected Parts, Uniqueness of Discrete Parts
  • Another Note About Static Files
  • What Should Be Unique?

There's some good advice in there, especially around things like standards, naming conventions, site complexity and how much usage the site is likely to see.

tagged: organize enterprise application opinion suggestions


Assetic: JavaScript and CSS files management
Aug 05, 2011 @ 14:19:26

On DZone.com today Giorgio Sironi introduces you to Assetic, an asset management tool that helps you keep things organized and easily requested by your application.

Assetic is a PHP library for managing the deployment of your assets: JavaScript, CSS and other resources which will be requested by the browser. The library has been created by Kris Wallsmith from OpenSky, an e-shop where many of the active members of the PHP community work, or worked (see Jonathan Wage/Doctrine 1 and Bulat Shakirzyanov/Imagine.)

Giorgio compares it to the more traditional method (putting them in a public folder) and how Assetic gives you an advantage over this setup. The main feature of the tool is to bundle all of your assets into one file that is then sent to the browser and interpreted there reducing the need for HTTP calls to request multiple files. An example is included showing the creation of an asset collection and the output of the files all combined into one string.

tagged: assetic asset management css javascript public organize


Paul Jones' Blog:
Include-Based vs Class-Based Architecture
Mar 14, 2011 @ 14:14:21

Paul Jones has a new post to his blog looking at two approaches to building applications in PHP - either using an include-based of class-based architecture, briefly looking at the advantages and disadvantages of each.

This is a topic I describe at length in my Organizing [Your PHP Projects] talk, but I would like to give the idea a home on my blog for easy reference.

He talks about the typical structure of a PHP application - at least where most start out - being the "include" method. He talks about the progression it usually makes into functions and classes and then, eventually, a jump in concept to the "class" method similar to what several popular frameworks have gone with.

The difference is that no program logic is executed at loading time with a class file. Loading the class file makes it available for use, but the programmer has to instantiate it and then call methods on it for anything else to happen.
tagged: include class architecture organize project


Lorna Mitchell's Blog:
Tips for Event Hosting: Preparation
Aug 25, 2010 @ 17:41:39

Lorna Mitchell has had some experience at setting up and hosting tech-related events in the past and she wants to share some of the tips she's learned along the way to help make things easier for others in the same situation. This post is the first in that series - a look at some things to do to prepare before the event even starts.

For people organising events for the first time there are definitely some pitfalls that might not be obvious until you actually, well, until you fall into them! I thought I'd capture my experiences into a series of blog posts, in case they can help any future organisers to avoid some of the traps. First up: what to do before your event starts.

She makes a few recommendations such as getting a website for the event out early and include all of the important details right up front and picking a hashtag for the event so that folks on the various social media sites have a way to start developing the community around the event.

tagged: organize event preparation website hashtag community


Community News:
PHPBenelux Organizes TestFest 2010 (June 5th)
May 10, 2010 @ 19:04:48

The PHPBenelux group has officially announced the TestFest event they'll be holding for this year on June 5th (2010).

It has become a tradition for PHPBenelux to organize our instance of PHP TestFest, and this year will be no different! All PHP developers are invited to join us again this year for PHP TestFest 2010, which will take place in Maastricht on Saturday June 5th. Participating in the TestFest is completely free and open for everyone, members and non-members.

The only requirement is that participants must bring their own equipment to work on and that you have at least a little experience with writing PHP (you'll need it for the tests). This year's event will take place at Hoogbrugstraat 1 in Maastricht and will start around 10am and go until 4pm to try to get as many tests done as possible. Don't worry if you don't know how to write the tests - there'll be plenty of people to show you how!

If you'd like to attend the event, RSVP today so they can know how many to expect.

tagged: testfest phpbenelux organize maastricht


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