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Padraic Brady's Blog:
ZF Blog Tutorial Part 10: Comments, reCAPTCHA and Akismet Filtering
Jun 05, 2008 @ 14:38:14

Padraic Brady has posted part ten in his series on the construction of a blogging system with the Zend Framework. This part of the series focuses on the commenting system and using a reCAPTCHA and Akismet system on it to prevent spam.

Blogs all have two other features besides actual content. They allow readers to post comments, and they offer XML feeds of their content. With the blog application itself coming along nicely, and with Addendum #2's revised styling, it's a good time to take a peek at adding comments.

He has created a custom Service component for the framework that interfaces directly with the reCAPTCHA service (along with a form helper, view helper and validation methods) so that an element can be added just like anything else in a form. Code of its use is included.

He works this into his comment form, including the Controller and the action that would be called. He shows how to attach an Akismet call to the form too via the framework's own service methods. Finally, he handles the other side of things - the administrative piece and displaying the (hopefully non-spam) comments back out on the post.

tagged: recaptcha akisment comment public spam prevent zendframework


Developer Tutorials Blog:
5 PEAR gems: free php scripts that will help you code quicker
Mar 19, 2008 @ 14:37:29

Akash Mehta has pointed out five "PEAR gems" that can help you get your code up and running faster - some helpful bits of code to help you deal with some common issues.

Sifting through the repository is also a challenge; a basic category system is in place, but it’s hard to tell what you want when you don't know what's available. Here are some gems from the PEAR repository that you could really find useful.

The five that made his list are:

tagged: pear repository package akisment http archive spreadsheet excel xml


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