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Laravel News:
Invisible reCAPTCHA Integration With Laravel
Jun 09, 2017 @ 14:46:15

On the Laravel News site, there's a new post showing you how to use Google's invisible reCAPTCHA in a Laravel application with the help of the "albertcht/invisible-recaptcha" package.

Invisible reCAPTCHA is an improved version of reCAPTCHA v2 (No CAPTCHA) developed by Google, and users now only need to click the button: “I’m not a robot” to prove they are human.

In Invisible reCAPTCHA, there is no longer an embedded CAPTCHA box for users to interact with. It’s totally invisible with only a badge showing on the bottom of the page so users your website know you are using this technology. (The badge can be hidden, but this is not recommended.)

They start with an example of what the output looks like attached to a form and how to install and configure the package. This requires API credentials from the Google side: a sitekey and secretkey. The post finishes with the code you'll need in your forms and as a validator to check the reCAPTCHA code in the response.

tagged: laravel turorial invisible recaptcha integration package

Link: https://laravel-news.com/invisible-recaptcha-integration-with-laravel

Google ReCaptcha integration with Laravel
Jan 10, 2017 @ 15:26:28

On the DotDev.co site they've posted an article from Talevski Igor about integrating Google's ReCaptcha with Laravel for use in verifying forms and protecting them against automated attacks.

Today i have task to create ReCaptcha on contact form with in a Laravel Web page and I like to share the process of making this possible.

He then walks you through the process of getting the configuration you'll need for your domain and using this package to easily integrate it with Laravel and its forms. He adds the routes for both the GET and POST requests along with the matching view and controller. He then uses the env helper function to get the ReCaptcha key from the configuration and places it in the form. He also adds the "g-recaptcha-response" variable to the required values rules and creates a simple Guzzle HTTP client to make the request back to Google to verify the result.

tagged: recaptcha security laravel tutorial form integration package

Link: https://dotdev.co/google-recaptcha-integration-with-laravel-ad0f30b52d7d?gi=ec5b94e26a27#.qdpwauax0

CloudWays Blog:
How To Add ReCAPTCHA To Symfony 3 Forms
Oct 05, 2016 @ 17:19:31

The Cloudways blog has a tutorial posted helping you add CAPTCHA functionality of your Symfony 3 form handling. In this case they're adding the Google reCAPTCHA handling to a registration form for users of your system.

Websites use different techniques and methods to validate contact, login and user registration forms. Some opt for custom validation methods while a large majority deploy third-party validation techniques.

Google provides a well known and proven validation tool known as reCAPTCHA. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to add Google reCAPTCHA to a Symfony 3 registration form. Hence, if you’re looking for a Recaptcha Symfony union, you’ve got it!

They start by helping you set up a Cloudways PHP application and install the latest version of the Symfony 3 framework on it as a sample application. They then walk you through the steps required to create a reCAPTCHA application and hooking it into your Cloudways server's hostname. With that set up they move over into the Symfony application, generating the User entity via Doctrine and creating the matching view/controller to handle the reCAPTCHA output. The registration form is then created and the handling is added to verify the CAPTCHA value submitted against the Google servers.

tagged: cloudways recaptcha symfony3 form registration tutorial google

Link: https://www.cloudways.com/blog/add-recaptcha-to-symfony-3-forms/

Sameer Borate:
Integrating Googles new reCAPTCHA in PHP
Dec 17, 2014 @ 15:23:10

Recently Google announced their reCAPTCHA without a CAPTCHA technology to help make preventing automated systems (usually spammers) from causing issues in your applications. In this new post from Sameer Borate, he shows you how to implement this new kind of CAPTCHA in your PHP-based application.

For the past several years Google’s reCAPTCHA has helped verify that a user is not a bot by forcing you to decipher warped text. reCAPTCHA’s method of protecting websites from spam has always been a kind of burden on the end user who has to solve the captcha to prove that he is human and not a bot. [...] Google recently released a new captcha API called “No CAPTCHA” reCAPTCHA, which utilizes an Advanced Risk Analysis engine that is capable of discerning between users and bots. So instead of solving a jumbled box of text all a user has to do is check a box.

He walks you through the full process of the integration:

  • Signing up for an account/API keys
  • Rendering the HTML for the actual widget (using Google Javascript)
  • Validating the user's response via an API call
  • The PHP you'll need to perform the validation

He also briefly mentions some of the customization available and provides the code as a download so you can see it all working together.

tagged: google captcha nocaptcha recaptcha api tutorial configure setup

Link: http://www.codediesel.com/security/integrating-googles-new-nocaptcha-recaptcha-in-php/

Padraic Brady's Blog:
ZF Blog Tutorial Part 10: Comments, reCAPTCHA and Akismet Filtering
Jun 05, 2008 @ 14:38:14

Padraic Brady has posted part ten in his series on the construction of a blogging system with the Zend Framework. This part of the series focuses on the commenting system and using a reCAPTCHA and Akismet system on it to prevent spam.

Blogs all have two other features besides actual content. They allow readers to post comments, and they offer XML feeds of their content. With the blog application itself coming along nicely, and with Addendum #2's revised styling, it's a good time to take a peek at adding comments.

He has created a custom Service component for the framework that interfaces directly with the reCAPTCHA service (along with a form helper, view helper and validation methods) so that an element can be added just like anything else in a form. Code of its use is included.

He works this into his comment form, including the Controller and the action that would be called. He shows how to attach an Akismet call to the form too via the framework's own service methods. Finally, he handles the other side of things - the administrative piece and displaying the (hopefully non-spam) comments back out on the post.

tagged: recaptcha akisment comment public spam prevent zendframework


Venture Skills Blog:
Re-captcha your comments
Aug 08, 2007 @ 13:42:00

On the Venture Skills Blog, there's a new post that looks at one of the more recent advancements in keeping the spammers away from your blogs comments (one among many other uses) - re-captchas.

Commonly CAPTCHA is a visual image where the user is asked to type the word they see (or hear) however some provide a logic puzzle [...] Re-captcha works by asking the user for two words instead of the normal one, one word is known to the system and is the actual CAPTCHA the second is an unknown word, if the user gets the CAPTCHA then the users "guess" for the unknown word is recorded, over time a word is given a probability score and when high enough becomes a known word.

They Also include links to re-captcha modules for two of the popular CMS/blogging tools - WordPress and Drupal - to make integration easy.

tagged: recaptcha comments captcha spam drupal wordpress recaptcha comments captcha spam drupal wordpress


Venture Skills Blog:
Re-captcha your comments
Aug 08, 2007 @ 13:42:00

On the Venture Skills Blog, there's a new post that looks at one of the more recent advancements in keeping the spammers away from your blogs comments (one among many other uses) - re-captchas.

Commonly CAPTCHA is a visual image where the user is asked to type the word they see (or hear) however some provide a logic puzzle [...] Re-captcha works by asking the user for two words instead of the normal one, one word is known to the system and is the actual CAPTCHA the second is an unknown word, if the user gets the CAPTCHA then the users "guess" for the unknown word is recorded, over time a word is given a probability score and when high enough becomes a known word.

They Also include links to re-captcha modules for two of the popular CMS/blogging tools - WordPress and Drupal - to make integration easy.

tagged: recaptcha comments captcha spam drupal wordpress recaptcha comments captcha spam drupal wordpress


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