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Rob Allen:
Integrating BjyAuthorize with ZendNavigation
Nov 20, 2012 @ 19:57:09

Rob Allen has posted a technique for integrating the BjyAuthorize, a helpful module for access control in your Zend Framework 2 application, with the ZendNavigation module for user permissions-based navigation updates.

If you are using BjyAuthorize for ACL configuration and want to use ZendNavigation's ZendAcl integration features, then you need to set the Acl and Role information into ZendNavigation.

He includes the code you'll need to add to both the bootstrap of your application and the configuration to set up the "rule_providers" and "resource_providers". Then you can update your navigation settings to include "resource" and "rule" options to define with options a user can see.

tagged: zendframework2 tutorial bjyauthorize acl navigation module


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