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Quick Admin Panel Blog:
Stripe Payments in Laravel: The Ultimate Guide
Oct 03, 2017 @ 14:24:54

On the Quick Admin Panel blog there's a tutorial posted showing you how to accept Stripe payments in your Laravel application using their "Stripe Checkout" functionality. This feature allows the Stripe platform to be the only one that handles the payment data and doesn't require you to store any information in your application.

Stripe is one of the most popular payment merchants for web, but information about Laravel integration is pretty fragmented, so I decided to write a really long tutorial about this topic.

We will cover: general logic how Stripe works, simple one-time payment integration, testing and production environment setup. [We will also cover] saving transaction data for future reference, recurring payments with Laravel Cashier [and] getting invoices data and PDF download.

The tutorial then gets into the use of the Stripe Checkout functionality on your site (after setting up an account) and the flow of the checkout and transaction. Then comes the Laravel portion of the tutorial. They show you how to set up a new application and create the view containing the required Stripe form. They show you where it integrate the keys specific to your application and how to test the implementation. Next they show how to handle the response back from Stripe that contains a token that can be used to identify the payment method in the future. This is used to charge the card via the Stripe SDK tools.

The tutorial finishes looking at Laravel Cashier to handle recurring billing and subscription plans. It shows you how to integrate this with your application and how to use it for payments and invoices.

tagged: stripe payment laravel application tutorial cashier

Link: https://quickadminpanel.com/blog/stripe-payments-in-laravel-the-ultimate-guide/

SitePoint PHP Blog:
Laravel and Braintree, Sitting in a Tree…
Jan 19, 2017 @ 17:55:51

The SitePoint PHP blog has a new post from author Christopher Vundi that shows the use of Laravel Cashier to create a custom site connecting to Braintree for subscription handling.

Subscriptions to services online are something extremely common – from subscribing to music streaming services to tutorial sites to access premium content.

With Laravel 5, we saw the introduction of Laravel Cashier, an official Laravel package to help developers manage Stripe’s and Braintree’s subscription billing services without writing most of the boilerplate subscription billing code. [...] In this tutorial, we will be building a dummy Courses site with Braintree subscriptions. In the process, we will learn how to use the various methods offered by Cashier.

This part of the series will help you with some of the setup steps you'll need to create the environment for your application. It also shows you how the custom code would look to allow a user of your system to subscribe to a custom plan. They walk you through all of the setup steps to follow and the code you'll need to make the subscription process work. Some screenshots are included so you can ensure you're setting things up in the correct places.

tagged: laravel braintree tutorial subscription plan cashier

Link: https://www.sitepoint.com/laravel-and-braintree-sitting-in-a-tree/

SitePoint PHP Blog:
Memberships with Laravel Cashier
Apr 29, 2014 @ 15:38:51

The SitePoint PHP blog has posted a tutorial for those using the Laravel Cashier showing you how to work with memberships for the content or functionality of your application.

In this tutorial we’re going to see how easy it is to create a basic paid membership website using the Laravel Cashier package. You can see a demo of the app here and download the source code here.

The tutorial walks you through setting up a functional environment and getting the new Laravel instance up and running. Migrations to run are included in the repository checkout too. The tutorial then gets into the setup of Stripe for payments and creation of the various pages you'll need. An "upgrade" option is also included.

tagged: membership laravel cashier tutorial stripe content

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/memberships-laravel-cashier/

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