On the Zend Framework blog today Enrico Zimuel has posted an announcement about the zend-db component including a look at the new release and the future of the component.
Today, we released zend-db 2.9.0! This is our first new feature release in over 18 months, and contains 7 bug fixes, 6 new features, numerous unit test additions, and many documentation improvements.zend-db is an important component of many PHP projects, and we know that its support is crucial for many people. As such, we allocated a number of weeks to triaging the various open issues and patches (more than 50) to ensure we would provide a stable release.
The post lists out the issues fixed and the features added, linking to the bugs that were files related to each. It then talks about the future of the component, noting that a v3.0 release is expected to come in 2018 and will include a lot of new features. This will help to make working with more modern features of the various databases easier directly from the code (without as much manual query creation or hackery). The post finishes with some thanks to those that contributed to this v2.9.0 release.