Despite the somewhat inflammatory title, Lee Blue's latest post wondering about the best PHP framework has some interesting insight into a few of them that he's tried out - CodeIgniter, Zend Framework, Kohana, Yii and his pick for his needs, the Fat-Free Framework.
There is an enormous number of PHP frameworks available so I thought I share my experiences working with some of the most popular frameworks for PHP development. I have personally used all of the frameworks I describe either for my own projects or for actual client work. Here are my notes on how I evaluated various PHP frameworks and why I chose the PHP Fat-Free Framework as my PHP framework of choice.
Most of the in-depth looks are at CodeIgniter, Zend Framework and Fat-Free, but he does mention some general impressions of the others. He gets into the most detail on Fat-Free talking about its features, advantages - including size, being built for PHP 5.3 and good project documentation - as well as some hints are future posts looking at some of his experience with the framework in his own projects.