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Tomas Votruba:
Introducing Symfony Flex Loader
Dec 21, 2018 @ 15:40:58

In a post to his site Tomas Votruba introduces something that can be helpful for those working with Symfony 4 and Flex to make the "zero-setup configuration" easier to work with: effective use of the Symfony Flex Loader.

Symfony 4 and Flex is heading in direction of zero-setup configuration - no bundles, no extensions, no configuration. You already know how to get rid of Configuration. Flex now loads services instead of Extension class.

But it has an extra price, a lot of new boilerplate code in Kernel. Today you'll learn how to keep your Kernel Flex-ready and clean at the same time.

He starts with an example kernel that loads an extra directory (defined by a "custom path"). He shows how to refactor these examples to "make them small again" making use of the Flex loader package that reduces the number of lines required to accomplish the same end result.

tagged: symfony symfony4 symfonyflex loader kernel tutorial package

Link: https://www.tomasvotruba.cz/blog/2018/12/20/introducing-symfony-flex-loader/

How To Schedule User Generated Cron Jobs In Laravel
Oct 10, 2017 @ 14:55:05

On the Unnikked.ga site there's a tutorial posted by Nicola Malizia showing you how to schedule user-generated cron jobs in Laravel using the built-in job handling functionality.

While developing a personal project I was in the need to let user defines actions that run periodically.

My first thought was to use the Task Scheduling component of Laravel. The solution that I came up with is quite simple, yet effective.

He then walks through the process of setting up a "tasks" table where users can define their jobs and how to pull and execute them as a part of the Kernel.php configuration. He ends the post asking readers if there's another way they might go about this and still allow users to define their own jobs without having to write the code for each type.

tagged: laravel schedule user job tutorial task kernel

Link: https://unnikked.ga/how-to-schedule-user-generated-cron-jobs-in-laravel-8a1e0400bb10

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