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Tomas Votruba:
New in Statie 4.5: Twig Support
Jul 16, 2018 @ 15:46:21

Tomas Votruba has a new post to his site about an update that's been made on Statie, a static site generation tool, to support Twig templates natively.

Statie supports YAML and Symfony Dependency Injection for some time. But you wanted more! You wanted Twig. Sculpin and all the other PHP generators have it.

So there you go! Enjoy.

He shares the three steps needed to set up a sample Twig template and have it rendered as easily as the normal Statie templates:

  1. Prepare Layout _layouts/default.twig
  2. Create Template contact.twig
  3. Enable Twig

Template contents and configuration change examples are included as well as instructions on how to update to this latest (v5.4) version. He includes tips on the naming and locations of the template files as well as a mention of his package to help translate from Latte to Twig templates.

tagged: statie twig support native tutorial latte template

Link: https://www.tomasvotruba.cz/blog/2018/07/16/new-in-statie-45-twig-support/

Tomas Vortuba:
How to Convert Latte Templates to Twig in 27 Regular Expressions
Jul 09, 2018 @ 15:35:33

Tomas Votruba has a post to his site sharing a method for translating Latte templates to Twig templates with the help of the Simplify tool.

Statie - a tool for generating static open-sourced website like this blog or Pehapkari.cz - runs on YAML and Symfony DI Container. That way it's easy to understand by the PHP community worldwide.

But there are some pitfalls left. Like templates - being Latte the only one is a pity. Twig is often requested feature and one of the last big reasons not to use Statie.

Well, it was. Statie will support both Twig and Latte since next version. Are you a Twig fan? As a side effect, I made 27 regular expression to handle 80 % of the Latte to Twig migration for you.

He starts with a bit of explanation of how to the project started and his goals ("investing 5 hours to automate 30-minutes manual work under 10 seconds, so no-one else will have to do that ever again"). He covers the installation of the Symplify tool and how to execute the latte-to-twig-converter on a directory of Latte templates. He also provides some snippets of code you can use if you want to reverse the process and go from Twig to Latte.

tagged: convert latte template twig regular expression symplify tool tutorial

Link: https://www.tomasvotruba.cz/blog/2018/07/05/how-to-convert-latte-templates-to-twig-in-27-regular-expressions/

Introduction to Latte | Best PHP templating engine
Aug 17, 2017 @ 16:30:15

On the Omniceps site there's a new post introducing you to Latte, the templating component of the Nette framework that can be used independently.

A PHP templating engine is the one which gives you ability to write html for your clients efficiently using PHP variables.

However, PHP was originally built to be a templating engine, but yet it was never used primarily as a templating engine. There has been so many PHP templating engine so far in the market since PHP evolved, but none of them has made as great impression on us as Latte. Introducing you to Latte, one of the best PHP templating engine you have come across so far. Also Latte protects your web app from vulnerabilities like XSS (cross site scripting).

The tutorial starts with an example comparing "plain old PHP" templating with the Latte version for a foreach loop. Next they show how to install the Latte component and the two different kinds of macros the tool includes. They also talk about filters, performance concerns, context aware escaping and "pretty output" options.

tagged: nette framework template component latte introduction tutorial

Link: http://www.omniceps.com/latte-best-php-templating-engine/

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