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Getting started with OpenAds (installing)
Aug 23, 2007 @ 16:53:00

On the PaymentBlogger.com site today, there's a quick tutorial on getting the OpenAds advertising management system installed and working.

With Nicks great post on selling links I thought I would follow up with a quick how to setup OpenAds and how to integrate it into your Wordpress or Drupal sites.

He steps through the process of setting up OpenAds with a series of screenshots of the interface and descriptions on what needs to be done. The actual install is only about a five step process. They also include links to WordPress and Drupal components to make integration.

tagged: openads advertising management screenshots wordpress drupal openads advertising management screenshots wordpress drupal


Getting started with OpenAds (installing)
Aug 23, 2007 @ 16:53:00

On the PaymentBlogger.com site today, there's a quick tutorial on getting the OpenAds advertising management system installed and working.

With Nicks great post on selling links I thought I would follow up with a quick how to setup OpenAds and how to integrate it into your Wordpress or Drupal sites.

He steps through the process of setting up OpenAds with a series of screenshots of the interface and descriptions on what needs to be done. The actual install is only about a five step process. They also include links to WordPress and Drupal components to make integration.

tagged: openads advertising management screenshots wordpress drupal openads advertising management screenshots wordpress drupal


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