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Joshua Thijssen:
Debugging remote CLI with phpstorm
Dec 24, 2012 @ 16:11:00

Joshua Thijssen has a recent post for all the PHPStorm users out there (or maybe investigating a new IDE) and are looking for a way to debug your PHP apps easily with XDebug. Well, he's come up with a step-by-step guide to help you get it all set up and working, complete with screenshots. He helps you debug command-line applications, but the setup will work for your web apps too.

Even in these days, with full-featured PHP IDEs around, I still see PHP developers using var_dump() and die() to debug their code. Not only is this a very bad way of “debugging”, it has other dangers as well [...]. We’ve probably all been there,.. But we don’t have to. Debugging your code properly through an IDE is quite easy, but one of the major problems is debugging CLI code. Since many frameworks like Zend, Symfony and micro-frameworks like Cilex can be used to create command-line apps, cronjobs and even “deamons”, so how do we easily debug this kind of code?

He starts with the setup of a development instance (he recommends a clone-able virtual machine environment) and shows how o configure both XDebug and PHPStorm to work together happily. He shows what configuration options and steps you'll need to take to be able to debug the CLI apps too, including a command-line option to specify the IP to report the debugging into back into.

tagged: commandline application debug xdebug phpstorm tutorial screenshots


Getting started with OpenAds (installing)
Aug 23, 2007 @ 16:53:00

On the PaymentBlogger.com site today, there's a quick tutorial on getting the OpenAds advertising management system installed and working.

With Nicks great post on selling links I thought I would follow up with a quick how to setup OpenAds and how to integrate it into your Wordpress or Drupal sites.

He steps through the process of setting up OpenAds with a series of screenshots of the interface and descriptions on what needs to be done. The actual install is only about a five step process. They also include links to WordPress and Drupal components to make integration.

tagged: openads advertising management screenshots wordpress drupal openads advertising management screenshots wordpress drupal


Getting started with OpenAds (installing)
Aug 23, 2007 @ 16:53:00

On the PaymentBlogger.com site today, there's a quick tutorial on getting the OpenAds advertising management system installed and working.

With Nicks great post on selling links I thought I would follow up with a quick how to setup OpenAds and how to integrate it into your Wordpress or Drupal sites.

He steps through the process of setting up OpenAds with a series of screenshots of the interface and descriptions on what needs to be done. The actual install is only about a five step process. They also include links to WordPress and Drupal components to make integration.

tagged: openads advertising management screenshots wordpress drupal openads advertising management screenshots wordpress drupal


Install, configure and integrate PHP and MySQL on Windows (Server 2003)
Oct 13, 2006 @ 13:25:00

If you're a Windows Server 2003 (RC2) user and have been looking for a good, quick and easy guide to getting PHP and MySQL installed on your machine, look no further. Builder.au has provided this guide, complete with screenshots, to help you get things up and working.

In this article, I will provide you with step-by-step instructions for installing and configuring these products in a Windows environment. For some of you, the information presented here will be simplistic, but this article is designed to be a complete step-by-step guide toward accomplishing the goal in the article title.

It's a pretty straight forward article, with only five or six main steps along the way. Some of those steps are "install PHP" or "install MySQL", so obviously, there'll be a bit more detail under each. This is where the screenshots come in - they'll guide you each step of the way and accent the descriptions so you'll know what you should see.

tagged: install windows mysql server screenshots guide install windows mysql server screenshots guide


Install, configure and integrate PHP and MySQL on Windows (Server 2003)
Oct 13, 2006 @ 13:25:00

If you're a Windows Server 2003 (RC2) user and have been looking for a good, quick and easy guide to getting PHP and MySQL installed on your machine, look no further. Builder.au has provided this guide, complete with screenshots, to help you get things up and working.

In this article, I will provide you with step-by-step instructions for installing and configuring these products in a Windows environment. For some of you, the information presented here will be simplistic, but this article is designed to be a complete step-by-step guide toward accomplishing the goal in the article title.

It's a pretty straight forward article, with only five or six main steps along the way. Some of those steps are "install PHP" or "install MySQL", so obviously, there'll be a bit more detail under each. This is where the screenshots come in - they'll guide you each step of the way and accent the descriptions so you'll know what you should see.

tagged: install windows mysql server screenshots guide install windows mysql server screenshots guide


BillS' IIS Blog:
How to install PHP on IIS7 (RC1)
Sep 22, 2006 @ 12:19:32

As Christian Wenz points out, there's some information in this blog entry about getting PHP up and running on IIS7 (RC1) for Windows.

Thanks to some small tweaks we made in RC1, it is now easier than EVER to get PHP working on IIS.

The method basically involves grabbing the latest PHP and installing it (including the php.ini file) and installing IIS7 with the ISAPI Extension component or CGI component. Then it's just a matter of setting up the right handler mapping. He provides screenshots of the process to help show you exactly where to go.

tagged: install iis windows handler isapi cgi component screenshots tutorial install iis windows handler isapi cgi component screenshots tutorial


BillS' IIS Blog:
How to install PHP on IIS7 (RC1)
Sep 22, 2006 @ 12:19:32

As Christian Wenz points out, there's some information in this blog entry about getting PHP up and running on IIS7 (RC1) for Windows.

Thanks to some small tweaks we made in RC1, it is now easier than EVER to get PHP working on IIS.

The method basically involves grabbing the latest PHP and installing it (including the php.ini file) and installing IIS7 with the ISAPI Extension component or CGI component. Then it's just a matter of setting up the right handler mapping. He provides screenshots of the process to help show you exactly where to go.

tagged: install iis windows handler isapi cgi component screenshots tutorial install iis windows handler isapi cgi component screenshots tutorial


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