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Matthew Weier O'Phinney's Blog:
Developing A ZF2 Blog
Apr 04, 2012 @ 13:22:58

Matthew Weier O'Phinney has a new post to his blog walking you through the creation of his own Zend Framework 2 blogging platform that works with git branching and page generation to get the job done.

Why write something of my own? Well, of course, there's the fact that I'm a developer, and have control issues. Then there's also the fact that a blog is both a simple enough domain to allow easily experimenting with new technology and paradigms, while simultaneously providing a complex enough domain to expose non-trivial issues.

He realized that he wanted a platform that was not only something he wanted to maintain but that also allowed him to write how he wanted to write - no more in-browser editing, just working with text files and generated page output. He shares some of the thoughts behind the different parts of the blog software - the domain model, his PhlyBlog module and the updated code he used to override some of the functionality in this default module. He also describes his new blogging process which includes git branching, creating a PHP "post" file, regernerate the blog via a command-line tool and merge and deploy.

tagged: develop blog zendframework2 tutorial phlyblog module git


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