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Inviqa techPortal:
Rasmus Lerdorf at PHP London
Aug 02, 2013 @ 15:52:31

On the Inviqa techPortal today there's a new post talking about the most recent speaker at the PHP LondonRasmus Lerdorf.

July's PHP London had a particularly notable speaker – Rasmus Lerdorf himself presenting what's new in PHP. So many people wanted to attend that, with limited venue capacity, a live (and recorded) video stream was used for the first time. You can skip straight to seeing the slides and video of the session if you like, or keep reading for my impressions of the evening.

They include a brief overview of what Rasmus talked about including: a brief history and evolution of the language, a few points about PHP 5.4 and then on to the "shiny and new" of PHP 5.5. and the features it introduced. He also added in a bit at the end about two tools that his employer, Etsy, has released to help with more atomic deployments.

tagged: rasmuslerdorf phplondon usergroup history evolution features atomic deployment

Link: http://techportal.inviqa.com/2013/08/02/rasmus-lerdorf-at-php-london

Jason Sweat's Blog:
Oct 09, 2006 @ 12:53:00

In his latest post, Jason Sweat shares some of his experiences (and some code) surrounding his trip out to a PHPLondon meeting to be a guest speaker.

He talks about the location of the meeting (a pub named "The Hope") and some of the notes about his talk. The talk was a modified version of his Test Driven Development talk (given previously at php|tek). He changed it to appeal to people who hadn't really used unit testing in their development to explain why it's important. He includes the bit of sample code he used to illustrate his point - a test designed to ensure that the daily salary was being calculated properly. The presentation can be downloaded here as a PowerPoint file.

tagged: phplondon user group meeting test driven development talk phplondon user group meeting test driven development talk


Jason Sweat's Blog:
Oct 09, 2006 @ 12:53:00

In his latest post, Jason Sweat shares some of his experiences (and some code) surrounding his trip out to a PHPLondon meeting to be a guest speaker.

He talks about the location of the meeting (a pub named "The Hope") and some of the notes about his talk. The talk was a modified version of his Test Driven Development talk (given previously at php|tek). He changed it to appeal to people who hadn't really used unit testing in their development to explain why it's important. He includes the bit of sample code he used to illustrate his point - a test designed to ensure that the daily salary was being calculated properly. The presentation can be downloaded here as a PowerPoint file.

tagged: phplondon user group meeting test driven development talk phplondon user group meeting test driven development talk


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