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Preferred framework for REST usage?
May 22, 2013 @ 16:52:12

Over on Reddit.com recently a discussion was kicked off asking people what framework they used for REST - their tool of choice for making API creation simple.

I was wondering what people here preferred for setting up REST APIs. Specifically if they had a preferred PHP framework for setting them up. in the past I had used CodeIngiter but am looking at Laravel some recently. I don't anticipate extremely heavy usage but I'd like to easily update the framework when it has new releases without a real pain working around my models and controllers.

Several different options were mentioned in the comments including:

Do you have a favorite you use for your REST APIs? share it here!

tagged: opinion preferred framework rest api

Link: http://www.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/1em2ne/preferred_framework_for_rest_usage

Greg Beaver's Blog:
pear.php.net is now mirrored
Jun 04, 2007 @ 17:03:00

As Greg Beaver mentions in his latest blog entry, the main website for PEAR, pear.php.net has been mirrored as part of an effort to restructure and "revamp" the PEAR wesbite.

I'm excited to announce the first two mirrors of pear.php.net are now actively mirroring the installer REST files and actual .tgz files of package releases. They are http://us.pear.php.net (provided by Joshua Eichorn and bluga.net) and http://de.pear.php.net (provided by Christian Weiske). The option exists at a future date of mirroring the entire website, but this will not be possible without further changes to the infrastructure.

Using these servers is only slightly different than the main site, setting the preferred_mirror setting in your configuration to use one of the above.

tagged: pear website mirror mirror preferred configuration pear website mirror mirror preferred configuration


Greg Beaver's Blog:
pear.php.net is now mirrored
Jun 04, 2007 @ 17:03:00

As Greg Beaver mentions in his latest blog entry, the main website for PEAR, pear.php.net has been mirrored as part of an effort to restructure and "revamp" the PEAR wesbite.

I'm excited to announce the first two mirrors of pear.php.net are now actively mirroring the installer REST files and actual .tgz files of package releases. They are http://us.pear.php.net (provided by Joshua Eichorn and bluga.net) and http://de.pear.php.net (provided by Christian Weiske). The option exists at a future date of mirroring the entire website, but this will not be possible without further changes to the infrastructure.

Using these servers is only slightly different than the main site, setting the preferred_mirror setting in your configuration to use one of the above.

tagged: pear website mirror mirror preferred configuration pear website mirror mirror preferred configuration


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