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Gonzalo Ayuso's Blog:
PHP and couchDB
Mar 16, 2010 @ 18:55:22

In a recent post to his blog Gonzalo Ayuso has a brief introduction to CouchDB and how you can use it in your application. Most of the post is made up of code samples showing some of the basic relational database operations translated over to a CouchDB database (found in this class).

I come from relational database world. NoSQL is new for me. Maybe I'm wrong but I want to use INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT statements in CouchDB in the same way I use them in Relational database. The class is focused in the HTTP Document API. There is a great tutorial here that explains the API. Now I'll show the interface I've made to perform the statements with CouchDB.

There's examples of both simple and more complex selects, updates and deletes as well as the handling of exceptions via two types he's included support for - NoDataFound and DupValOnIndex.

tagged: couchdb interface nosql rdbms


Mike Willbanks' Blog:
Performance Tuning Overview
Jan 31, 2008 @ 17:11:00

Mike Willbanks has posted an introduction he's written up giving some helpful hints at tuning your servers and PHP applications for performance.

The focus of this post is not to show performance related items to specific PHP frameworks since many bottlenecks actually apply before running the framework itself that should certainly be solved up front. Therefore in this posting I attempt to look at simple items that can be deployed in order to produce finer tuned systems.

He talks about a few different aspects:

  • PHP Performance Tuning (opcode caching, apc file priming, includes, loops, etc)
  • RDBMS Performance Tuning (indexes in queries, query caching, archiving)
  • HTTP Performance Tuning (content compression, css sprites, limit modules, etc)
tagged: performance tuning http rdbms server cache compress


Daniel Krook's Blog:
A DB2 driver for CakePHP
Feb 13, 2007 @ 13:28:00

Daniel Krook has a quick post about the DB2 driver he's created for the CakePHP framework:

I've just completed the initial version of the IBM DB2 interface that I've written for the CakePHP framework.

This driver can also be used with IBM Cloudscape, Apache Derby, and Sun Java DB because it employs the same ibm_db2 PECL extension for connecting to all of these RDBMSes.

Stay tuned to his blog for more details...

tagged: db2 driver cakephp framework cloudscape derby javadb rdbms db2 driver cakephp framework cloudscape derby javadb rdbms


Daniel Krook's Blog:
A DB2 driver for CakePHP
Feb 13, 2007 @ 13:28:00

Daniel Krook has a quick post about the DB2 driver he's created for the CakePHP framework:

I've just completed the initial version of the IBM DB2 interface that I've written for the CakePHP framework.

This driver can also be used with IBM Cloudscape, Apache Derby, and Sun Java DB because it employs the same ibm_db2 PECL extension for connecting to all of these RDBMSes.

Stay tuned to his blog for more details...

tagged: db2 driver cakephp framework cloudscape derby javadb rdbms db2 driver cakephp framework cloudscape derby javadb rdbms


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