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Laravel Social Authentication with Socialite
Nov 17, 2016 @ 18:17:41

The Scotch.io site has posted a tutorial for the Laravel users out there showing you how to use the Socalite package in your application to make authentication handling with external services simpler.

Laravel introduced a built in Authentication module in version 5.2. To set this up, you just have to run php artisan make:auth and everything is generated for you, from the views to the controllers and the routes.

[...] And that is a great thing. However, this command will only make you a traditional login. In most sites nowadays when signing up, users have the option of signing up with a social provider such as Facebook. In this tutorial, I will teach you how to add multiple social providers to a Laravel app using Socialite package. For this tutorial we will add Facebook, Github and Twitter signups.

They start off with a new Laravel application (but, of course, you can use your current one), setting up a new database and creating a custom "users" table that includes "provider" information. The User model is then updated to allow the population of this data and the "make:auth" command is run. The Socialite package is then included and the application is configured to include its service provider. The tutorial then steps you through creating Github, Twitter and Facebook applications, getting the keys needed to drop into your app's configuration. Finally they update the login/registration pages with the social login buttons and how they'll now "magically" work.

tagged: tutorial socalite authentication laravel github twitter facebook

Link: https://scotch.io/tutorials/laravel-social-authentication-with-socialite

Matt Stauffer:
Using Github authentication for login with Laravel Socialite
Jul 17, 2015 @ 15:17:25

In a tutorial posted to his site Matt Stauffer shows you how to integrate Laravel with GitHub's authentication to link a user's profile to your application, made possible through the Socialite package.

Laravel's Socialite package makes it simple to authenticate your users to Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, GitHub and Bitbucket. You can authenticate them for the purpose of connecting their pre-existing user account to a third-party service, but you can also use it as your primary login mechanism, which we'll be talking about here. I'm working on a new little micro-SaaS that is purely dependent on GitHub in order to operate, so there's no reason to set up any user flow other than just GitHub.

He starts with just a bit of insight into the overall flow of an OAuth connection with an application (which this is) and the pieces involved. Next he helps you get Socalite installed and working with your Laravel application. With this in place he shows you how to create a simple GitHub application and configure your Laravel instance with the provided client ID/secret and redirect URL. He adds in some routes to handle the two page requests and the controller methods to process the input. He makes a simple "users" migration to hold user information and a model to match. Finally he shows the result, stepping through the authorization flow, complete with screenshots.

tagged: laravel github social authentication login socalite package tutorial

Link: https://mattstauffer.co/blog/using-github-authentication-for-login-with-laravel-socialite

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