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Statamic v2 Beta: First Impressions of a new Laravel-based flat-file CMS
Feb 01, 2016 @ 19:37:14

On the Tighten.co blog they've posted their own review of Statamic, the flat-file based content management system with a Laravel backend. Statamic is a project that hopes to provide easy content management, responsive layouts and plenty of features to make an easy-to-use and robust CMS.

Among the developers I know who used to use ExpressionEngine but have since left, most work in Craft and/or Laravel. I kept hearing folks mention Statamic, but all I knew about it was that it was flat file, which wasn't particularly compelling to me.

Fast forward two years, and they've re-written the entire application to run on Laravel (now released as v2 beta). [...] Their documentation is hilarious, the community is welcoming and helpful, and the code—granted, I'm only a few weeks in—seems super easy to work with. So, what's the deal? Why have we set up Tighten's blog on Statamic?

The post then goes on to talk about the "quest" for a good Laravel-based content management system. They also talk about some of the essentials they see a CMS needing to be effective: good user interaction (UI/UX), how much and how difficult it is to customize and how it is configured. For each point they talk about how Statamic does things and their own verdict on the software and how good it does at filling these requirements.

tagged: statamic beta laravel content management system cms flatfile

Link: http://blog.tighten.co/statamic-v2-beta-first-impressions-of-a-new-laravel-based-flat-file-cms

Statamic 101
Dec 11, 2013 @ 16:40:41

NetTuts.com has a new tutorial posted today introducing you to Statamic, a PHP-based content management system that uses flat-files instead of database entries to manage its content. (One note, Statamic is not free software and there's no "trial" version)

Statamic is a modern PHP CMS which really makes an effort to be easy and intuitive to use. From its flat-file design to its use of technologies, like markdown and Yaml, you can accomplish an outstanding amount of work without writing any code at all. In this article we will take a look at the process from installation to setting up a basic portfolio.

The CMS (downloadable here) has a simpler structure than some other systems as most of the content is just files in the "_content" directory. They talk some about the directory structure of the tool and help you get things configured via the main YAML config. The post then moves on to working with themes and how to get dynamic content in a basic layout. From there they go on to talk about making new content, adding entries and various other topics like administration and templating.

tagged: statamic cms introduction file markdown template layout content

Link: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/statamic-101

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