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SitePoint PHP Blog:
Getting Started with Sulu CMS on Vagrant The Right Way
Jun 05, 2017 @ 20:15:10

The SitePoint PHP blog has posted a tutorial showing you how to get started with Sulu CMS and Vagrant. Sulu CMS is a content management system based on Symfony.

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to get started with Sulu CMS the right way – meaning, we’ll deploy a Sulu “Hello World” instance using Homestead Improved and be mindful of performance issues and configuration values while we’re at it. We’ll also cover some common pitfalls, all in an attempt to get a good base set up for future Sulu tutorials. It is recommended you follow along with the instructions in this post and drop a comment with any problems you might run into.

The tutorial walks you through the installation of the Sulu CMS instance but you'll need to have Vagrant already installed and running. Next up they show you how to configure the system to work along with Vagrant including database setup, running the build and ensuring the system is up and running. There's a bit at the end with some pitfalls and FAQs to help you get started on the right foot.

tagged: sulucms vagrant tutorial install configure

Link: https://www.sitepoint.com/getting-started-sulu-cms-vagrant-right-way/

SitePoint PHP Blog:
Can Symfony Apps Be Fast on Vagrant? Let’s Check with SuluCMS!
Jun 28, 2016 @ 17:13:15

On the SitePoint PHP blog they've posted a new tutorial looking at the combination of Symfony applications (well, one specific one) and Vagrant to optimize it for the best performance possible.

In this short tutorial, we’ll set up Sulu, a new Symfony based CMS, and optimize it on a Vagrant environment. Why a dedicated tutorial handling this? Besides the fact that Sulu has a rather complex initialization procedure, it is based on Symfony which is infamously slow on virtual machines with shared filesystems, and thus needs additional optimizations post-install. The performance hacks in this post, while Sulu-specific, can be applied to any Symfony application to make it faster on Vagrant.

The rest of the post walks you through the steps to get the box set up and the Sulu application up and running:

  • New Box and Folder Sharing
  • App Type and Vagrant Boot (configuration)
  • Installing Sulu

Then they get into the speed improvements and "hacks" to make the overall system perform better. They make updates to the log/cache directory fetching, moving the "vendors" folder into the VM (non-synced) and enabling the APC caching on autoloading. The tutorial also includes a few helpful troubleshooting tips of things to check if a problem does happen to pop up.

tagged: tutorial symfony application vagrant sulucms performance

Link: https://www.sitepoint.com/symfony-on-vagrant-performance-hacks-sulucms-case-study/

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