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Laravel News:
Laravel Intermediate Tutorial
Oct 29, 2015 @ 15:49:56

The Laravel manual was recently updated with a quickstart to help beginners to the framework learn the basic steps to creating a simple Laravel application. According to the Laravel News site they've also added an intermediate tutorial that gets a bit more in-depth with the framework and expands on the same "task list" example application.

This intermediate tutorial covers Eloquent relationships, Authentication, Dependency Injection, Route Model Binding, Authorization, and more. Both of these Laravel tutorials are fantastic resources for getting up and running with the framework.

You can find this tutorial in the Laravel manual and, if it seems like a bit much and you want a more basic level, you can check out the quickstart instead and get up and running quickly.

tagged: laravel intermediate tutorial tasklist introduction framework

Link: https://laravel-news.com/2015/10/laravel-intermediate-tutorial/

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