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Master Zend Framework:
How to Begin Migrating From Zend Framework 2 to Zend Expressive
Oct 04, 2016 @ 17:29:21

The Master Zend Framework site has posted a new tutorial showing you how to start the process of migrating to Zend Expressive in your current from Zend Framework 2 application.

If you are managing one or more Zend Framework 2 applications, did you know that you can already begin porting them to Zend Expressive? In this tutorial, you will learn how you can start doing so today, using the Zend/PSR-7 bridge.

He starts with a little background on Zend Expressive and how it compares to Zend Framework 2. He also shares his opinions on the "just start from scratch" idea that's so tempting when migrating from one framework to another...that almost always leads to disaster. He then breaks down the migration process (using the zend-psr7bridge) into four steps, each with related code:

  • Create The Middleware Class
  • Initialize the Middleware
  • Configure the ServiceManager
  • Configure the Routes

He concludes with a few final thoughts about the migration from ZF2 to Expressive and how, with the help of this middleware setup, it can be a much smoother and easier transition.

tagged: migrate zendframework zendexpresssive psr7bridge tutorial framework introduction

Link: http://www.masterzendframework.com/migrate-from-zendframework2-to-zendexpressive/

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