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Building Concrete Validators
Dec 22, 2011 @ 17:24:25

On DevShed.com today there's the first part of a two-part series showing how to build self-contained validator objects that can be used to test the format of user input for validity.

In this two-part tutorial, I show why the use of static helper classes can be detrimental to building robust and scalable object-oriented applications in PHP (though you should take into account that the concept is language agnostic). I also implement a set of instantiable, fine-grained validators, which can be easily tested in isolation, injected into the internals of other objects, and so forth.

Their set of "concrete validators" are all based off of a validator interface/abstract class and check things like email formatting, floats, integers and URLs. Also included are a few examples of using the validators in a sample script.

tagged: validator tutorial test data interface abstract class


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