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Using Namespaces and Autoloading in WordPress Plugins, Part 2
Nov 03, 2016 @ 16:55:25

The TutsPlus.com site has continued their series looking at namespace-based autoloading in WordPress applications with part two. In this latest article they build on the simple plugin from part one and enhancing it with more functionality and autoloaded classes.

In the previous tutorial, we began talking about namespaces and autoloading with PHP in the context of WordPress development. And although we never actually introduced either of those two topics, we did define them and begin laying the foundation for how we'll introduce them in an upcoming tutorial.

Before we do that, though, there's some functionality that we need to complete to round out our plugin. The goal is to finish the plugin and its functionality so that we have a basic, object-oriented plugin that's documented and works well with one caveat; it doesn't use namespaces or autoloading.

This, in turn, will give us the chance to see what a plugin looks like before and after introducing these topics.

They start off with a quick review of the setup and previous development work done on the plugin making it easier to load in Javascript templates in a dynamic way. The plugin is then ready to start helping with the plugin use. They add in a basic CSS file to the site's "assets" folder and enqueue it. They start updating the plugin code, adding in an assets interface, a CSS loader and some styling for the box shown on the edit post interface.

tagged: namespace autoload wordpress plugin introduction part2 series autoload css loader

Link: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/using-namespaces-and-autoloading-in-wordpress-plugins-part-2--cms-27203

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