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Get Started Running Laravel in a Docker Container
Mar 07, 2017 @ 20:07:28

The Scotch.io blog has a new tutorial posted showing you how to get a Laravel application up and running in a Docker container with a minimal amount of work. The article assumes you already have a working knowledge of Laravel and Docker, so if you're not familiar with those you'll need to read up there first.

Laravel and Docker are two very popular tools of choice when considering building for the web. Although both of them do very different things, they can both be combined to create amazing products.

For our use case, we will be running Laravel in a Docker container. This is going to be a simple demonstration on how to use both products to create real-life applications. Nothing heavy.

The tutorial starts with some of the prerequisites you'll need before getting started but quickly gets into the commands you'll need to set up your environment. Using a custom Docker container they show you the configuration to get the container set up, how to build the database connection, bring the container up and verify all is working as expected.

tagged: docker laravel container tutorial introduction installation configuration

Link: https://scotch.io/tutorials/get-started-running-laravel-in-a-docker-container

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