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Secure, Passwordless Authentication Using Auth0
Jul 10, 2018 @ 16:23:17

On the TutsPlus.com site they've posted a tutorial showing you how to use the Auth0 service to create a passwordless authentication system for your application.

In this article, you'll learn how to set up passwordless authentication using the Auth0 service. Auth0 allows you to outsource authentication features for your app.

Auth0 is an authentication-as-a-service tool that makes implementation of authentication-related features for your app or site a breeze. If you've built an app and you want to just outsource the authentication and authorization features, a service like Auth0 is something you should consider.

The tutorial walks you through the installation and configuration process of their example PHP application including the setup of the .env file to contain the Auth0 secrets. It then provides the code needed to create two kinds of logins:

  • Using email as the identifier
  • Sending the approval via SMS

Both make use of (the Auth0 PHP SDK) to do most of the heavy lifting but there's still a bit of code you'll need to get it up and running.

tagged: passwordless security login auth0 tutorial setup configure

Link: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/secure-passwordless-authentication-using-auth0--cms-31195

Authentication and Authorization Using Auth0 in PHP
Jun 20, 2018 @ 16:16:08

The NetTuts.com site has posted a tutorial for those looking to simplify the authentication of users in their PHP applications. In this new article they show how to use the Auth0 service to offload some of the burden of user management and authentication flow.

In this article, we're going to explore the Auth0 service, which provides authentication and authorization as a service. Auth0 allows you to set up basic authentication and authorization features for your apps in the blink of an eye.

The article starts with a brief overview of what the Auth0 service offers and what particular ones will be involved in the tutorial. To help make it simpler to get up and running, they've created a base application. They show how to get this application installed and configured to use the secrets values from your Auth0 account. It then walks through the various scripts included in the sample application including a login, logout and code to perform the actual authentication flow process (including validating the access token).

tagged: authentication auth0 tutorial application authorization

Link: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/authentication-and-authorization-using-auth0-in-php--cms-31134

Auth0 Blog:
Symfony Tutorial: Building a Blog (Part 3)
Mar 27, 2018 @ 16:20:06

The Auth0 blog has posted the third part of their "Building a Blog" series of tutorials showing the use of their authentication technologies coupled with a Symfony framework backend. In this latest article author Greg Holmes shows how to deploy the application created in parts one and two to Heroku.

Symfony is a PHP framework as well as a set of reusable PHP components and libraries. It uses the Model-View-Controller design pattern and can be scaled to be used in any requirement. It aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications, replacing repetitive code. In this part of the series, you will learn how to deploy the blog engine that you have created in the previous parts on Heroku. The final code can be found at this repository.

He starts with a bit of catching up, briefly covering the contents of the first two articles before getting into the main content of this third. He covers some of the basics of Heroku and Travis-CI before getting into the actual deployment flow. He then helps you set up a GitHub account (used as a source for the deployment), set up a local MySQL database for testing and the installation of a few required dependencies. Next is the installation of the Heroku and Travis-CI command line tools, the configuration for each and some basic setup steps for each service.

Finally, he gets back to the Symfony application, setting up a few additional options in the Composer configuration to create a few commands. These commands are then executed as a part of the deployment process. There's also changes to the Symfony configuration files to reference the environment rather than a local path in several locations. The post ends with the setup instructions on the Auth0 side to allow handling to work from the newly deployed Heroku instance.

tagged: auth0 blog symfony tutorial series part3 deploy heroku

Link: https://auth0.com/blog/symfony-tutorial-building-a-blog-part-3/

Auth0 Blog:
Building an app with Nette and adding authentication
Sep 21, 2017 @ 15:07:59

On the Auth0 blog there's a tutorial posted that shows you how to build an application with the Nette framework and easily integrate authentication via their own JSON web token functionality.

Nette is a free, open-source PHP framework designed for building web applications. Nette is a set of decoupled and reusable PHP packages that will make your work easier. And Nette is also known as the quick and comfortable web development framework in PHP because it has the tools that allow you to bang out PHP applications rather quickly.

[...] In this tutorial, I'll show you how easy it is to build a web application with Nette and add authentication to it. Check out the repo to get the code.

The tutorial starts by talking about some of the built-in tools the framework includes and some basic use of each. It then gets into building the application, creating the controller, view and template to output a list of characters from Game of Thrones. From there it moves into the authentication piece, showing the integration of the Auth0 plugin and how to hook it into an application on their platform. There's a bit of configuration to set it up as an authenticator but then the framework and the plugin take care of the rest.

tagged: nette framework authentication tutorial auth0 jsonwebtoken json jwt

Link: https://auth0.com/blog/building-an-app-with-Nette-and-adding-authentication/

Auth0 Blog:
Creating your first Symfony app and adding authentication
Aug 03, 2016 @ 17:36:21

In this new post to the Auth0 blog Prosper Otemuyiwa shows you how to create a first Symfony framework based application and add in authentication with the included Guard functionality.

Symfony is a PHP framework, made up of a lot of decoupled and reusable components. It's a framework that promotes standardization and professionalism, supports best practices and interoperability of applications. In this tutorial, I'll show you how easy it is to build a web application with Symfony and add authentication to it without banging your head on a wall! Check out the repo to get the code.

They start with a brief overview of some of the components the framework is made up of (the most commonly used ones) and its concept of "bundles". He then helps you create your first Symfony application, explains its basic structure and starts in setting up controllers. Then comes the authentication and user validation pieces: registration handling, user functionality and creating its related database storage. Next up is setting up the routes for the application applying the authentication handling and finishing out the views for output. They end the post with a look at the profile debug bar, how Symfony compares to other frameworks and how to optionally integrate the Auth0 functionality in if you choose.

tagged: auth0 symfony introduction basics tutorial authentication integration

Link: https://auth0.com/blog/creating-your-first-symfony-app-and-adding-authentication/

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