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SitePoint PHP Blog:
How to Use GitHub's API with PHP
Mar 17, 2015 @ 15:11:39

The SitePoint PHP blog has a new tutorial posted showing you how to interact with the GitHub API via PHP thanks to the KnpLabs library to create a simple automation system to perform some simple tasks.

Github is one of the best ways to share code and collaborate. In this article, we are going to learn how to consume their API and how we can use it to accomplish some of our daily tasks. We are going to explore some of the daily tasks that can be accomplished through the Github API and build a small app using Laravel to illustrate the use cases. You can check the final result on Github.

They walk you through the setup of an application on the GitHub side and how to configure the related settings in your Laravel application. He shows how to bind the GitHub library to the app, set up some sample routes and build out controllers to:

  • List repositories
  • View repository content
  • Editing files
  • Viewing commits

Each item includes the code you'll need to make it happen, an example of the output you'll get from the API and how to use the data on your side in your views.

tagged: github api tutorial knplabs repository edit view content commits

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/use-githubs-api-php/

Trying out PHP Refactoring Browser
Apr 22, 2013 @ 15:03:35

On DZone.com Giorgio Sironi has written up a post about some testing he's done with the ""PHP Refactoring Browser" (more on that here) on some basic code examples.

IDE proponents love, in fact, an Integrated Development Environment that provides all the functionalities you need while writing and editing code; the followers of the Unix way typically write code in Vim while augmenting it via plugins where feasible and leveraging external tools that do one thing, and do it well. [...] Automated refactorings in PHP were out of the league of Vim and Unix users; thanks to Qafoo, however, a new open source tool is able to edit code with predefined refactoring recipes: PHP Refactoring Browser.

He goes through some of the basic features and functionality of the browser, setting expectations a bit. He shows how to get it installed (via Composer) and the results of some of his testing. Rather than including them all in the post, he opted to make actual commits on github of the changes.

tagged: refactoring browser trial commits github example

Link: http://css.dzone.com/articles/trying-out-php-refactoring

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