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Kick-Start WordPress Development With Twig: Timber Image, Menu, and User
May 02, 2016 @ 15:51:47

The TutsPlus.com site has posted the next part of their series looking at integrating WordPress and Twig with a look at showing images, menus and users in your WordPress UI.

By now you have read about the basic concepts of using Twig through Timber, while building a modular WordPress theme. We've also studied block nesting and multiple inheritance with Twig, based on the DRY principle. Today, we are going to explore how to display attachment images, WordPress menus, and users in a theme with Twig through the Timber plugin.

They go through each of the topics (images, menus and users) and provide the code needed to both gather the data needed and the templates to render the views. This all makes heavy use of the Timber functionality to integrate it with the overall WordPress structure. Screenshots are also included of the resulting output to help you ensure things are working as expected.

tagged: kickstart wordpress development twig timber tutorial series part5

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/articles/kick-start-wordpress-development-with-twig-timber-image-menu-and-user--cms-25750

IBM developerWorks:
Kick-start takes you to the movies (Part 1)
Aug 18, 2006 @ 01:41:28

IBM's developerWorks section has started off a new series today with part one of their "Kick-start takes you to the movies" series focusing on using DB2 and PHP to create a personal movie database application.

Explore PHP and XML development using the Eclipse IDE, DB2 Express-C 9, and WebSphere Application Server Community Edition. Learn how to install and configure these applications, part of a program designed to kick-start your application development, to develop a Web-based movie information database. This is part one of a two-part tutorial, covering the installation and configuration of the tools, along with some basic proof-of-concept code development.

You'll need the Eclipse IDE and a web server with PHP and DB2 installed to follow along with this part, but once those are in place, the rest is smooth sailing. They walk you through each step of the way - setting up the XML database, creating your project, creating all of the database tables, and connecting your PHP to the database.

tagged: kickstart movies database application db2 xml kickstart movies database application db2 xml


IBM developerWorks:
Kick-start takes you to the movies (Part 1)
Aug 18, 2006 @ 01:41:28

IBM's developerWorks section has started off a new series today with part one of their "Kick-start takes you to the movies" series focusing on using DB2 and PHP to create a personal movie database application.

Explore PHP and XML development using the Eclipse IDE, DB2 Express-C 9, and WebSphere Application Server Community Edition. Learn how to install and configure these applications, part of a program designed to kick-start your application development, to develop a Web-based movie information database. This is part one of a two-part tutorial, covering the installation and configuration of the tools, along with some basic proof-of-concept code development.

You'll need the Eclipse IDE and a web server with PHP and DB2 installed to follow along with this part, but once those are in place, the rest is smooth sailing. They walk you through each step of the way - setting up the XML database, creating your project, creating all of the database tables, and connecting your PHP to the database.

tagged: kickstart movies database application db2 xml kickstart movies database application db2 xml


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