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Charles Spraggs' Blog:
How does configuration work in ZF2?
Jun 18, 2012 @ 17:01:57

In this new post to his blog Charles Spraggs takes a look at the Zend Framework 2 and talks about how to handle the configuration of the application and of your modules.

As ZF2 increases the beta count and draws nearer to RC I’ve noticed more questions popping up in IRC regarding configuration. Questions like: “How do I setup XXX?”, “Where do I add module options?" So, I decided to write up a quick blog explaining how configuration works in ZF2. By default, there are three types of configurations.

He points out each of the three places and mentions what goes in each (main config, module config and autoload config) and gives a high-level overview of the load order for the modules in your application - merging the configurations then using a "glob" to figure out the correct config settings to use.

tagged: zendframework2 configuration tutorial module main autoload


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