In his latest post Benjamin Eberlei talks about some of his reasoning to want to Symfony all the things when it comes to building web applications. Actually, it's the results of a discussion he had with a coworker about when is the right point to move from a micro-services infrastructure to a full-stack framework like Symfony.
We use microservice architectures for the bepado and PHP Profiler projects that Qafoo is working on at the monent. For the different components a mix of Symfony Framework, Silex, Symfony Components and our own Rest-Microframework (RMF) are used. This zoo of different solutions sparked a recent discussion with my colleague Manuel about when we would want to use Symfony for a web application.
He talks about some of his own reasons for making the choice including things like the HttpKernel and having a well documented and standardized solution. He notes that most of his reasons are more because of his previous exposure to the framework and could be very similar for others and other frameworks, though. He then extends on the "Hello World" code from the previous post and makes an improved minimal Symfony app with just seven basic parts (including configuration files).