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Ulf Wendel's Blog:
PHP mysqlnd query cache plugin quickstart is online!
Jan 18, 2012 @ 18:12:21

In a new post to his blog Ulf Wendel has pointed out that the mysqlnd query cache plugin quickstart is posted on the docs.php.net site.

New in the PHP manual: a quickstart for the mysqlnd query cache plugin. PECL/mysqlnd_qc, the mysqlnd query cache plugin, is transparent and ease to use. But, how? Some pointers have been given in assorted presentations, here on my blog and in some, few examples from the manual. Fixed. You can now browse a quickstart to gain a quick overview.

The query cache plugin can replace the query caching MySQL does and can help with things like multiple storage options (memory, APC, Memcache, etc) and almost no changes to your application. There's also a method (mysqlnd_qc_get_query_trace_log) that comes with the plugin that gives you a "stack trace" of every query run through the MySQL interface.

tagged: mysqlnd query cache quickstart performance stacktrace


Fabien Potencier's Blog:
PHP Serialization, Stack Traces, and Exceptions
Feb 11, 2009 @ 16:27:54

Fabien Potencier has a new post about a strange and hard to track down bug he was experiencing with serializing a symfony form - it was throwing a PDO exception.

This exception is thrown by PDO because PDO instances are not serializable for good reasons. But it is weird because the sfForm class does not depend on PDO. How is it possible?

After some poking around, he noticed that this was only an issue for those with sessions stored in the database (that's where the PDO comes in). The problem came with the validation error class - it extends the exception class and, because of how the error handling serializes the exception, it tries to serialize the PDO connection that's in the stack trace too.

His solution is to use a Serializable interface to define exactly what you want serialized and passed back out as the error to the rest of your script.

tagged: stacktrace exception serialize pdo sfform symfony framework


Derick Rethan's Blog:
XDebug 2 Released
Jul 18, 2007 @ 20:38:08

Derick Rethans has officially announced the release of XDebug 2 today on his blog:

After almost four years of work, Xdebug 2 is finally ready. With improved functionality and many new features it is ready to totally change the way you develop in PHP. Some of the new features and updates include improved stack traces, execution traces to files, code coverage analysis and much improved remote debugging support. Xdebug's documentation has also been rewritten for more clarity.

Derick also wants to find out who is user base is and has asked fellow developers and users to send him a postcard and let him know.

As always, you can get this latest version of the XDebug software from the project's website - XDebug.org.

tagged: xdebug release xdebug2 documentation stacktrace codecoverage xdebug release xdebug2 documentation stacktrace codecoverage


Derick Rethan's Blog:
XDebug 2 Released
Jul 18, 2007 @ 20:38:08

Derick Rethans has officially announced the release of XDebug 2 today on his blog:

After almost four years of work, Xdebug 2 is finally ready. With improved functionality and many new features it is ready to totally change the way you develop in PHP. Some of the new features and updates include improved stack traces, execution traces to files, code coverage analysis and much improved remote debugging support. Xdebug's documentation has also been rewritten for more clarity.

Derick also wants to find out who is user base is and has asked fellow developers and users to send him a postcard and let him know.

As always, you can get this latest version of the XDebug software from the project's website - XDebug.org.

tagged: xdebug release xdebug2 documentation stacktrace codecoverage xdebug release xdebug2 documentation stacktrace codecoverage


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